Ursprünglich ein Herrenhaus aus dem 17. Jahrhundert, war Casa Delfino seit Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts im Besitz von Giovanni Delfino, einem Ritter und Reeder aus Marseille. Jahrhunderts im Besitz von Giovanni Delfino, einem Ritter und Reeder aus Marseille, der das Haus bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg als Familiensitz nutzte, als es stark beschädigt und aufgegeben wurde. Im Jahr 1986 begann die 5. Generation der Familie Delfino mit der Renovierung des Hauses, um es in ein charmantes Hotel zu verwandeln, wobei der ursprüngliche historische Charakter erhalten blieb.Errichtungsjahr: 17TH CENTURY
Was ist die Geschichte der Immobilie?
The history of Casa Delfino is a story of romance, adventure, and extraordinary twists of fate. The tale begins in 1835 with Giovanni Delfino, a knight and ship-owner from Marseille, who made his fortune transporting goods across the Mediterranean.
On one fateful trip bound for Syria, a storm cast Delfino aground at the Castle of Gramvousa on Crete. He sought refuge in the Capuchin monastery. Delfino managed to salvage his precious cargo of cod, which he sold to the locals at a handsome profit. Quick to spot a gap in the market, Delfino requested another shipment of fish to be sent from Marseille. Along with the cargo, his wife Bianca and their children, Petro and Margaritte, were also dispatched to Crete.
As Delfino’s business continued to flourish, the family decided to settle in Chania permanently. Between 1840-1860, Delfino purchased a grand Venetian mansion in the heart of town, conveniently located close to the harbour.
When Giovanni Delfino’s daughter Margaritte came of marrying age, a suitable groom was found in Marseille. So Margaritte began the long sea voyage to meet her future husband. But destiny intervened: on the way, she fell in love with the captain of the ship, who was a charming Italian. In a flash, Marseille was forgotten, and the young couple turned the ship around and returned to Chania.
The family home was given to Margaritte as part of her dowry. From then on, it became known as Casa Delfino. The happy couple raised six children in the house. All future generations continued to live in the family house, until the Second World War. Casa Delfino suffered severe damages during the German occupation. The house was abandoned and gradually fell into ruin.
Eventually, in 1986, Manthos Markantonakis - a fifth generation descendant of the Delfino family - made it his mission to restore the family home to its former splendour. With great love and care, Casa Delfino was renovated, upgraded, and converted into a luxury hotel. Manthos’ ambition was to recreate the sense of a private residence in the heart of Chania.
Today, the building’s rich and colourful heritage is as much a trademark of Casa Delfino as the exceptional hospitality and elegant interiors. Period antiques and personalised service capture the authentic spirit of this timeless landmark. To this day, Casa Delfino remains a part of the original family's legacy, and is deeply engrained in their hearts.
In welcher Epoche und/oder in welchem architektonischen Stil wurde die Immobilie erbaut?
17th century venetian building
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